Together we are stronger. Partnership is at the heart of what we do. We are going to transform African agriculture for the better, but we cannot do it alone. We are proud to work with our existing partners, whether they are our suppliers, Research and Development consultants, technical partners, institutions, universities, contractors, distributors, radio stations or independent advisors. We continuously seek for extension of our network; potential partners are most welcome to contact us to explore opportunities.

Miti Mingi Ltd. is our sister company with nursery facilities at Mbsoho they produce for small-scale and large-scale commercial growers up to 1,000,000 seedlings in a single order.  The use of superior growing media, the high-quality seeds and the skills of experienced growers guarantee the best possible start to your crops.

Kuku Nzito Ltd. has the best heavy equipment for earthmoving, to be used for enabling agriculture, water basins, road clearing, land leveling. Planning on doing a lot of work? Kuku Nzito will rent you the top-quality equipment you need. When you rent with Kuku Nzito, you don’t have to worry about troublesome maintenance or machine downtime.

Rijk Zwaan is an international vegetable breeding company, based in The Netherlands, known for its high-quality seeds. We work together in close cooperation by sharing innovative technics and improved methods to ensure state-of- the- art growing of crops.


We work in collaboration with government entities at local, regional and national level to scale up the production of disease-free plantlets for small, medium and large-scale farmers across the whole of Tanzania.


MAUA MAZURI’s strategy for success includes a deep involvement with the national institutions concerned, creating goodwill and private-public partnerships. This partnership is based on the exchange of technological information, local training and adapted research.

We have strong national and international partnerships with TAHA, AVRDC, IITA, Soikone University and the University of Leuven in Belgium.


We foster our relationships with NGO’s across Tanzania and are proud to be founding father of Greenmanjaro Foundation that runs the Kilimanjaro Climate Care Projects